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מה אני מקיים

  • 1 קום

    קוּם(b. h.) to stand up, rise; to stand, exist. Sifré Deut. 357 (ref. to Deut. 26:10) אבל באומות קָם וכ׳ but among the nations he (a prophet like Moses) has existed ; R. Hash. 21b בנביאים לא קםוכ׳ among the prophets never one arose like Moses, but among the rulers one did arise (Solomon). Tanḥ. Bshall. 16 שכל הַקָּם … כאילו קםוכ׳ whoever rises against Israel is considered as if he rose against the Shkhinah. Ib. (ref. to Ex. 15:7) הרבית … כל הקָּמִים לנגדך thou hast often shown thyself glorious over all that rose against thee; a. v. fr.קוּם עֲשֵׂה rise and do, a transgression of a prohibitive law which you must repair by an action, v. נָתַק. Ḥull.XII, 4. Macc.15b, v. infra; a. fr.V. קַיָּים. Pi. קִיֵּים 1) to establish; to attest, identify. Gitt.2b אין עדים מצויין לקַיְּימוֹ no witnesses are likely to be found to attest it (identify the signatures). Ib. 6a כולי עלמא בעינן לקיימו all agree that identifiation by witnesses is required. B. Mets.7a מודה בשטר … צריך לקיימו even if the debtor admits that he has written the note, the creditor must establish its identity (or else the debtor may maintain that the debt has been paid). Gitt.III, 4 וקיְּימוּ את דבריו and they sustained his opinion. Keth.20a אין מְקַיְּימִין … אלא משטרוכ׳ a document can be identified only by comparison of the signatures with those on a document that had been disputed and declared valid in court. Ib. אין מקיימין … משתי כתובותוכ׳ a document can be identified only by comparison of signatures with two marriage deeds or deeds of sale of two fields Ned.72a שמע וק׳ if he heard her vow and confirmed it. Y.R. Hash. I, 56c top קִיַּימְתִּיהָ כשחלוכ׳ I sustain that opinion for a case when ; a. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּיָּים. B. Mets. l. c. במק׳ דבריוכ׳ if the document has been identified, all agree ; a. e. 2) to fulfill, carry out, execute. Yoma 28b ק׳ אברהםוכ׳ Abraham fulfilled the whole Law. Macc. l. c. כל מצות … ק׳וכ׳ in the case of a transgression of a prohibitive law for which reparation is commanded, if the transgressor fulfills the prescribed reparation, he is free (from legal punishment), but if he made the reparation impossible Ib. ור״ש בן ל׳ קִיְּימוֹ ולא קִיְּימוֹ R. S. ben L. reads, if he makes reparation (he is free), and if he refuses, (he is punished); ib. 15a למאן דאמר ק׳ ולא ק׳ according to him who reads ḳiyymo vlo ḳiyymo (punishment can be executed as soon as one refuses to make reparation, although reparation is not made impossible); Ḥull.141a. Ab. IV, 9 … כל הַמְקַיֵּים לקַיְּימָהּ מעושר he who maintains (studies and observes) the Law in poverty, shall finally maintain it in wealth. Sot.13a sq. אמרו ק׳ זה כלוכ׳ they said, this one (Joseph in the coffin) has fulfilled what is written in this (the tablets in the ark of the covenant). Y.R. Hash. I, 57b top רצה מְקַיְּימָהּ if he so desires, he observes it (his own decree). Ber.9b ועבדום … ק׳ בהםוכ׳ the Lord fulfilled on them ‘and they shall make them serve (Gen. 15:14), but he did not fulfill on them ; a. v. fr. מה אני מקייםוכ׳ how can I maintain the words, i. e. in what way can this Scriptural verse which seems to conflict with my opinion be interpreted? R. Hash. 21b אלא מה אני מקיים ביקשוכ׳ and how do I interpret the verse biḳḳesh (Koh. 12:10)? Y.Kidd.I, 61c מה מקיים … בנים how does R. Elazar interpret banim (Deut. 14:1)?; a. fr. 3) to sustain, preserve alive, save. Snh.IV, 5 כל המקיים … כאילו ק׳וכ׳ he who saves one life … is considered … as if he had preserved the whole world; B. Bath.11a. Ab. V, 1 צדיקים שמקיימין את העילםוכ׳ the righteous who sustain the world which was created Kil. V, 8 המקיים קוצים בכרם he who keeps (cultivates) thorns in a vineyard. Ib. דבר שכמוהו מקיימין a plant of the kind that people are wont to cultivate; a. e. 4) to place ( on the chafing stove). Tosef.Sabb.III, 1 ואין מקיימין עליהוכ׳ (not לה) you must not place dishes on it, until it is swept or covered with ashes. Ib. 3; Y. ib. III, beg.5c; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְקַיֵּים, Nithpa. נִתְקַיֵּים 1) to be established, identified. Gitt.I, 3 יִתְקַיֵּים בחותמיו let the genuineness of the document be established through its signers (the witnesses subscribed or through others identifying their signatures); a. fr. 2) to be fulfilled, realized. Macc.24b עד שלא נִתְקַיְּימָה … שלא תִתְקַיֵּים נבואתווכ׳ is as long as the prophecy of Uriah (Mic. 3:12) was not fulfilled, I was afraid lest Zechariahs prophecy (Zech. 8:4) fail to come true; עכשיו שנתקיימה … מִהְקַיֶּימֶת now that Uriahs prophecy has been fulfilled, it is sure that Zechariahs will come true. Tosef.Snh.XI, 8; Y. ib. XI, 30a bot. וכולן נִתְקַיְּימוּ, v. מִדָּה. Ber.55a מקצתו מתקייםוכ׳ part of a dream may come true, but the whole of it will not. Midr. Till. to Ps. 1:3 מִתְקַיְּימוֹת are executed, v. עֵצָה II; a. fr. 3) to be preserved; to last, endure. Gitt.II, 3 בכל דבר שאינו מתקיים with any writing-ink which does not endure. Pes.68b אילמלא … לא נתקיימווכ׳ but for the Law, heaven and earth would not continue to exist. Taan.7a מה … מִתְקַיְּימִיןוכ׳ as these three liquids can he preserved only in the lowest kind of vessels, so will the words of the Law stay with him only whose mind is lowly. Erub.54a תלמודו מתק׳ בידו his learning will remain with him (in his memory). Shebi. VII, 2 מתק׳ בארץ plants the roots of which continue in the ground (perennials). Ab. IV, 11 כל כנסיה … סופה להִתְקַיֵּים every union for a sacred purpose is destined to last. Ib. V, 17 כל מחלוקת … סופה להתק׳ a contest for a sacred purpose is bound to have an enduring effect; a. fr. 4) to be maintained, be harmonised. Mekh. Mishp. s. 20 כיצד יִתְקַיְּימוּ שני מקראות הללו how can these two verses be harmonised?; a. fr. Hif. הֵקִים 1) to put up, erect. Ex. R. s. 52 בואו שנָקִיםוכ׳ come, for we will put up the Tabernacle. lb שרתה … והֵקִימוֹ the holy spirit came upon him, and he put it up. Tanḥ. Pḳudé 11 אני כותב עליך שאתה הֲקִימֹתוֹ I will record about thee, that thou didst put it up; a. fr. 2) to confirm ( a womans vow). Ned.67b איה׳ה׳ if he (the father) has confirmed it, it stands confirmed (the betrothed cannot annul it). Ib. 69a יש שאלה בהָקֵם can a confirmation (by one of the two, the father or the husband) be reconsidered? (v. שְׁאֵלָה), v. הָקֵם; a. e. Hof. הוּקַם to be put up. Tanḥ. l. c. כיון שה׳ המשכן מידוכ׳ as soon as the Tabernacle was erected, the Divine Presence came down Tanḥ. Naso 23. Num. R. s. 12; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קום

  • 2 קוּם

    קוּם(b. h.) to stand up, rise; to stand, exist. Sifré Deut. 357 (ref. to Deut. 26:10) אבל באומות קָם וכ׳ but among the nations he (a prophet like Moses) has existed ; R. Hash. 21b בנביאים לא קםוכ׳ among the prophets never one arose like Moses, but among the rulers one did arise (Solomon). Tanḥ. Bshall. 16 שכל הַקָּם … כאילו קםוכ׳ whoever rises against Israel is considered as if he rose against the Shkhinah. Ib. (ref. to Ex. 15:7) הרבית … כל הקָּמִים לנגדך thou hast often shown thyself glorious over all that rose against thee; a. v. fr.קוּם עֲשֵׂה rise and do, a transgression of a prohibitive law which you must repair by an action, v. נָתַק. Ḥull.XII, 4. Macc.15b, v. infra; a. fr.V. קַיָּים. Pi. קִיֵּים 1) to establish; to attest, identify. Gitt.2b אין עדים מצויין לקַיְּימוֹ no witnesses are likely to be found to attest it (identify the signatures). Ib. 6a כולי עלמא בעינן לקיימו all agree that identifiation by witnesses is required. B. Mets.7a מודה בשטר … צריך לקיימו even if the debtor admits that he has written the note, the creditor must establish its identity (or else the debtor may maintain that the debt has been paid). Gitt.III, 4 וקיְּימוּ את דבריו and they sustained his opinion. Keth.20a אין מְקַיְּימִין … אלא משטרוכ׳ a document can be identified only by comparison of the signatures with those on a document that had been disputed and declared valid in court. Ib. אין מקיימין … משתי כתובותוכ׳ a document can be identified only by comparison of signatures with two marriage deeds or deeds of sale of two fields Ned.72a שמע וק׳ if he heard her vow and confirmed it. Y.R. Hash. I, 56c top קִיַּימְתִּיהָ כשחלוכ׳ I sustain that opinion for a case when ; a. fr.Part. pass. מְקוּיָּים. B. Mets. l. c. במק׳ דבריוכ׳ if the document has been identified, all agree ; a. e. 2) to fulfill, carry out, execute. Yoma 28b ק׳ אברהםוכ׳ Abraham fulfilled the whole Law. Macc. l. c. כל מצות … ק׳וכ׳ in the case of a transgression of a prohibitive law for which reparation is commanded, if the transgressor fulfills the prescribed reparation, he is free (from legal punishment), but if he made the reparation impossible Ib. ור״ש בן ל׳ קִיְּימוֹ ולא קִיְּימוֹ R. S. ben L. reads, if he makes reparation (he is free), and if he refuses, (he is punished); ib. 15a למאן דאמר ק׳ ולא ק׳ according to him who reads ḳiyymo vlo ḳiyymo (punishment can be executed as soon as one refuses to make reparation, although reparation is not made impossible); Ḥull.141a. Ab. IV, 9 … כל הַמְקַיֵּים לקַיְּימָהּ מעושר he who maintains (studies and observes) the Law in poverty, shall finally maintain it in wealth. Sot.13a sq. אמרו ק׳ זה כלוכ׳ they said, this one (Joseph in the coffin) has fulfilled what is written in this (the tablets in the ark of the covenant). Y.R. Hash. I, 57b top רצה מְקַיְּימָהּ if he so desires, he observes it (his own decree). Ber.9b ועבדום … ק׳ בהםוכ׳ the Lord fulfilled on them ‘and they shall make them serve (Gen. 15:14), but he did not fulfill on them ; a. v. fr. מה אני מקייםוכ׳ how can I maintain the words, i. e. in what way can this Scriptural verse which seems to conflict with my opinion be interpreted? R. Hash. 21b אלא מה אני מקיים ביקשוכ׳ and how do I interpret the verse biḳḳesh (Koh. 12:10)? Y.Kidd.I, 61c מה מקיים … בנים how does R. Elazar interpret banim (Deut. 14:1)?; a. fr. 3) to sustain, preserve alive, save. Snh.IV, 5 כל המקיים … כאילו ק׳וכ׳ he who saves one life … is considered … as if he had preserved the whole world; B. Bath.11a. Ab. V, 1 צדיקים שמקיימין את העילםוכ׳ the righteous who sustain the world which was created Kil. V, 8 המקיים קוצים בכרם he who keeps (cultivates) thorns in a vineyard. Ib. דבר שכמוהו מקיימין a plant of the kind that people are wont to cultivate; a. e. 4) to place ( on the chafing stove). Tosef.Sabb.III, 1 ואין מקיימין עליהוכ׳ (not לה) you must not place dishes on it, until it is swept or covered with ashes. Ib. 3; Y. ib. III, beg.5c; a. e. Hithpa. הִתְקַיֵּים, Nithpa. נִתְקַיֵּים 1) to be established, identified. Gitt.I, 3 יִתְקַיֵּים בחותמיו let the genuineness of the document be established through its signers (the witnesses subscribed or through others identifying their signatures); a. fr. 2) to be fulfilled, realized. Macc.24b עד שלא נִתְקַיְּימָה … שלא תִתְקַיֵּים נבואתווכ׳ is as long as the prophecy of Uriah (Mic. 3:12) was not fulfilled, I was afraid lest Zechariahs prophecy (Zech. 8:4) fail to come true; עכשיו שנתקיימה … מִהְקַיֶּימֶת now that Uriahs prophecy has been fulfilled, it is sure that Zechariahs will come true. Tosef.Snh.XI, 8; Y. ib. XI, 30a bot. וכולן נִתְקַיְּימוּ, v. מִדָּה. Ber.55a מקצתו מתקייםוכ׳ part of a dream may come true, but the whole of it will not. Midr. Till. to Ps. 1:3 מִתְקַיְּימוֹת are executed, v. עֵצָה II; a. fr. 3) to be preserved; to last, endure. Gitt.II, 3 בכל דבר שאינו מתקיים with any writing-ink which does not endure. Pes.68b אילמלא … לא נתקיימווכ׳ but for the Law, heaven and earth would not continue to exist. Taan.7a מה … מִתְקַיְּימִיןוכ׳ as these three liquids can he preserved only in the lowest kind of vessels, so will the words of the Law stay with him only whose mind is lowly. Erub.54a תלמודו מתק׳ בידו his learning will remain with him (in his memory). Shebi. VII, 2 מתק׳ בארץ plants the roots of which continue in the ground (perennials). Ab. IV, 11 כל כנסיה … סופה להִתְקַיֵּים every union for a sacred purpose is destined to last. Ib. V, 17 כל מחלוקת … סופה להתק׳ a contest for a sacred purpose is bound to have an enduring effect; a. fr. 4) to be maintained, be harmonised. Mekh. Mishp. s. 20 כיצד יִתְקַיְּימוּ שני מקראות הללו how can these two verses be harmonised?; a. fr. Hif. הֵקִים 1) to put up, erect. Ex. R. s. 52 בואו שנָקִיםוכ׳ come, for we will put up the Tabernacle. lb שרתה … והֵקִימוֹ the holy spirit came upon him, and he put it up. Tanḥ. Pḳudé 11 אני כותב עליך שאתה הֲקִימֹתוֹ I will record about thee, that thou didst put it up; a. fr. 2) to confirm ( a womans vow). Ned.67b איה׳ה׳ if he (the father) has confirmed it, it stands confirmed (the betrothed cannot annul it). Ib. 69a יש שאלה בהָקֵם can a confirmation (by one of the two, the father or the husband) be reconsidered? (v. שְׁאֵלָה), v. הָקֵם; a. e. Hof. הוּקַם to be put up. Tanḥ. l. c. כיון שה׳ המשכן מידוכ׳ as soon as the Tabernacle was erected, the Divine Presence came down Tanḥ. Naso 23. Num. R. s. 12; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > קוּם

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